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2024-07-17 16:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



TOPIC: CHINA’S VIEW OF DEMOCRACY -15:30-17:10, 5th Dec-






Prof. Yoro DIALLO

Senior Researcher / Executive Director of the Center for Francophone Studies

Director of the African Museum

Institute of African Studies, Zhejiang Normal University, CHINA

E-mail: [email protected] /Tél: (0086)15888991173

浙江师范大学非洲研究院 非洲博物馆馆长






Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning


Our important Conference, takes place on the end the year 2021, the year of the first century of the founding of the Communist Party of China; the year of the important 6th Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China which took an historic Resolution focusing on the main achievements and the historical experiences of the CPC since its founding on 1921. This is the year of the 50th anniversary of the accession of the People Republic of China to its rightful seat at the United Nations; the year of the 11th anniversary of the establishment of the China Africa Think-Tank Forum. 2021 is also and above all, the year which will marked an important stage in the new march of China towards the ultimate goal: "the transformation of China into a modern, prosperous, powerful, democratic, harmonious and highly civilized socialist country by 2049", the century of the founding of the People Republic of China. At this historical occasion allow me first of all to pay a vibrant tribute to the founders of the CPC, to the torchbearer of these heroes, I appointed President Xi Jinping, the leader who is writing glorious pages of the history of the Chinese Nation and the world governance democracy. My sincere thanks and warm congratulations to the organizers of this conference.


Speaking of the « China’s’ View of Democracy », the study of Xi Jinping's thought helps us to understand Chinese Democracy. During a meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President Xi Jinping said, and I quote: "To judge whether a country is democratic, you have to see whether the people are really in control of their own destiny." He laid out in depth the concept of the “people democracy with its complete process”. A system specific to Chinese democracy consists to ensure the status of the people as master of the country and in satisfying the needs of the people in a concrete way”. “The aspirations of the people to live a better life are the focus of our efforts” said Xi Jinping. A major institutional bearer of the people democracy throughout the process, the People Assembly system enables power and government to hear the voice of the people at all stages: making decision, execution and supervision. The political system in China is a model of governance in which sovereignty emanates from the people. Although China is governed by the Communist Party of China, the country practices pluralism. Every year, nine (9) political parties and personalities non-affiliated to political parties are represented in the People Political Consultative Conference of China. For a better understanding of China, we must therefore abandon the frozen spirit of the Cold War, stereotypical judgments, and modeled opinions. We have to see China in a global and visionary way. China has found its own democracy model, suited to its situation instead of developing a Western democracy model. The success of Chinese democracy teaches us that only the people can judge whether the country is democratic. It is neither for another country nor for the international community to decide whether a country is democratic or not.

谈到中国的民主观,对习近平思想的研究有助于我们理解中国的民主。[1] 在中国共产党中央委员会的一次会议上,习近平主席曾说:“一个国家民主不民主,关键在于是不是真正做到了人民当家作主”。他深入阐述了“人民民主及全过程人民民主”的概念。中国特有的民主制度包括确保人民当家作主的地位和以具体方式满足人民的需要。习近平指出,“人民对美好生活的向往就是我们的奋斗目标”。在整个过程中,全国人民代表大会是人民民主的主要制度载体,能够确保权力机关和政府在决策、执行和监督的各个阶段倾听人民的声音。中国的政治制度是一种主权来自人民的治理模式。中国虽然由中国共产党执政,但实行多元主义。中国人民政治协商会议每年由九个政党和无党派人士参加。[2] 因此为了更好地了解中国,我们必须摒弃冷战思维、刻板印象和模式化的观点,以全球化和高瞻远瞩的目光看待中国。中国没有采纳西方的民主模式,而是找到了适合本国国情的民主模式,中国民主的成功告诉我们,判断国家是否民主的话语权掌握在人民手中,这既不是由其他国家决定的,也不是由国际社会决定的。

The examination of the Chinese democratic system reveals to us that this system differs from that existing in Western countries which qualify themselves as "democratic countries" on the basis of criteria they are the only ones to establish. In many of these countries, the political system is a veritable arena of ongoing power struggles, where two or three political parties usually clash, referred to as right-wing parties, left-wing parties, or far-right parties. A centrist party exists in certain circumstances. These Parties essentially derive their legitimacy as holders of the economic and financial domination powers in relation to lobbies, media tycoons and sometimes real mafias. The fierce competition and fierce adversity that takes place between political parties sometimes participate to the main causes of social and ethnic conflicts, which can to the destabilization of an entire country. The African peoples suffer from this system imposed like a straitjacket by the former colonizers. At that time, there were, in Africa, both in the former French and British territories, the establishment of an elective power system with a western multiparty system. Subsequently, Africans set up electoral systems modeled on those of Europe. There were democratic traditions and models in Africa which did not necessarily resort to elections.


In the world, political systems are generally determined by the conditions (history, culture and development) of each country. The diversity of the systems is linked to the diversity of human societies, the history of Nations and the backgrounds of the peoples. In China, the political system is nourished by the historical experiences of the Chinese people, the patriotic commitment and the sincere cooperation between nine (9) political parties and personalities not affiliated to political parties (the Independents). The politic system adopted by the people is known as "multi-party cooperation and political consultation" under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. This system which has been built during many years of revolutionary struggle, national development, and socialist reforms is a political system which lies to the conditions of China. The Constitution of the People Republic of China states that "the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC will continue to exist and develop for a long time to come." The Communist Party of China and other political parties are required to regard the Constitution as "the basic standard of their conduct, to uphold the dignity of the Constitution and to ensure its implementation."

世界上的政治制度通常由每个国家的条件(历史、文化和发展)决定。系统的多样性与人类社会的多样性、国家的历史和人民的背景有关。在中国,中国人民的历史经验、爱国情怀以及九个政党[l3] 和非政党人士(独立人士)之间的真诚合作,都为中国政治制度的发展提供了滋养土壤。[4] 中国实行的政治制度被称为中国共产党领导下的多党合作和政治协商制度。经过多年革命斗争、国家建设和社会主义改革建立起来的这一制度,是适合中国国情的政治制度。《中华人民共和国宪法》规定,“中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度将长期存在和发展”,中国共产党和其他政党必须“以宪法为根本的活动准则,并且负有维护宪法尊严、保证宪法实施的职责。”

In China, the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation made up of nine political parties and personalities not affiliated with political Parties (the Independents) gives way to a core of leadership provided by the Communist Party of China for "the cause of the socialism with Chinese characteristics ". The CPC embodies the development trend of the Chinese productive forces and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people. The philosophical line that guides the action of the CPC is based on Marxism-Leninism, the thought of Chairman Mao, the theory of Deng Xiaoping and the vision of Xi Jinping. The Party methodically shaped the theories, line, principles and policies of "building socialism with Chinese characteristics" and starts” a new era of socialist development." Nowadays the CPC structures are present in all villages, municipalities, provinces and autonomous regions of China with a total of over 95 million active members.

在中国,由九个政党[l5] 和无党派人士(独立人士)组成的多党合作和政治协商制度,接受中国特色社会主义事业的领导核心——中国共产党的领导。中国共产党[g6] 始终代表中国先进生产力的发展要求和中国最广大人民的根本利益。马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想是党必须长期坚持的指导思想。中国共产党逐步形成了建设中国特色社会主义的路线、方针、政策,开创了社会主义发展的新时代。如今,中国共产党的机构遍布全国所有的村庄、市、省和自治区,共有9500多万名活跃党员。

To better understand a phenomenon, you have to go into its history. In this way we will avoid looking in many ways, caricature on China. A cartoonish look is often the consequences of prejudices arising from ignorance or blindness. "There is no blinder than who does not want to see". Today, China is a great country with a long history of feudalism and colonial rule. From 1840, the multiple aggressions of the Western imperialist powers, the impotence of the feudal regime to face the invaders and the generalized corruption, made China a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. For more than a century, the Chinese nation has been plunged into abominable multifaceted crises. Extreme poverty and humiliation was the only right of the people. Defying difficult living conditions, the Chinese people have embarked in heroic struggles for years and generations. At the beginning of the 20th century, Dr Sun Yat-Sen launched “the bourgeois democratic revolution” known as “the Revolution of 1911”. This revolution overthrows the autocratic monarchical system of several millennia to give birth to the Republic of China. The Western model, multi-party parliamentary political system is established. The consequence is the flowering of political parties in the country (more than 300). In the fight for seats at the Congress, the Kuomintang (Kuo-Min-Tang, National Party) stands out from its rivals and obtains an absolute majority. The reactionary forces in the country and abroad does not accept this situation. After the assassination of Song Jiaoren, Yuan Shikai accedes to the throne of the restored monarchy. The Kuomintang and the Congress will be dissolved. The multiparty parliamentary system adopted by the national bourgeoisie and the allied political parties ended in total failure. Although progressive compared to the autocratic monarchy, the Western political system did not resolve the major problems of the Chinese society. Sun Yat-Sen said: “China could not simply copy the Western policy model to govern its own society, because the social conditions and traditions of China are very different from those of Europe and America." The regime of Chiang Kai-shek, which represented the interests of the big landowners and the big bourgeois, was an autocracy which monopolized all state power.

了解历史背景可以帮助我们更好地了解中国,避免在很多方面对中国产生偏见。物质和盲目往往会导致偏见的形成。中国是一个有着悠久的封建主义历史的大国,从1840年开始,西方帝国主义列强多次侵略中国,中国封建政权应对侵略者的腐败无能,使中国成为半殖民地半封建社会。[7] 一个多世纪以来,中华民族深陷四面楚歌的困境之中。面对极端贫困和屈辱,中国人民在艰苦的生活条件下,开始了几代人的英勇斗争。20世纪初,孙中山先生发起了辛亥革命,推翻了统治中国几千年的君主专制制度,建立了中华民国。多党议会的西方政治制度也由此建立。超过300个政党如雨后春笋涌现,在争取国会席位的斗争中,国民党从竞争对手中脱颖而出,获得了绝大多数的支持。国内外的反动势力不接受这种情况,宋教仁遇刺后,袁世凯复辟帝制,国民党和国会面临解散,民族资产阶级和联合政党实行的多党议会制度彻底失败。尽管与君主专制相比有进步性,但西方的政治制度并没有解决中国社会的主要问题。孙中山称,“中国不能简单地照搬西方的政策模式来治理社会,因为中国的社会条件和传统与欧洲和美国非常不同[l8] ”。代表大地主和大资产阶级利益的蒋介石政权是一个垄断一切国家权力的专制政权。

When the resistance war against the Japanese invader started, the Kuomintang government excluded the Communist Party of China and other political parties. After the victory over Japan, the CPC proposes the establishment of a democratic coalition government. The Kuomintang rejects this proposal and goes back to the agreement on political consultation, thus causing the civil war. The CPC and eight (8) other political parties decided together to explore a new politic system related to the economic, social and cultural realities of the Chinese people. The CPC hoists the banner of a "New Democratic Revolution", under which he unites all the revolutionary classes and engages the struggle for national independence and the happiness of the Chinese people. Examining the Chinese society and its class structure and drawing lessons from the history of China, the CPC notes that “to defeat imperialism and feudalism, to achieve the complete victory of the Chinese revolution, it must organize with all progressive forces to constitute a strong synergy. To this end, the CPC makes the proposal to set up a "United Democratic Front". In 1948, in its famous “May Day Appeal”, the Communist Party of China proposed to convene “a New Political Consultation Conference” and to set up “a democratic coalition government”. This proposal receives a favorable response from the Democratic Parties and the Independents.


Non-Communist Political Parties, founded during the Resistance War against Japanese Aggression (1937-1945) and the Liberation War of (1945-1949), were rooted in the national bourgeoisie and the urban petite bourgeoisie. Those political parties whose agenda was anti-imperialism and patriotism were the progressive force of Chinese society. During the war against Japan, these Parties joined the United National Front led by the Communist Party of China. Following the victory against Japan, these Parties joined the CPC in opposition to the dictatorial policies of Chiang Kai-shek. The latter and his allies cause the civil war. Those Parties which have responded favorably to the "May Day Appeal," declared their commitment to work together under the leadership of the CPC for the founding of a new China. The Democratic Parties and the Independents choose to accept the leadership of the Communist Party of China. The first Chinese People Political Consultative Conference held on September 1949, marked the formal establishment of the multi-party cooperation system and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Through this system the CPC, Democratic Parties and Independents work together in the conduct of state power in the New China.


Since the founding of the People Republic of China, the CPC has strengthened its unity and cooperation with the Democratic Parties and has worked to advance the multi-party cooperation system. In 1956, in the light of the profound changes that had taken place in Chinese society, "the principle of long-term coexistence and mutual control" was established. That means the Democratic Parties will exist as long as the CPC exists. This principle establishes the basic framework for multi-party cooperation in New China. In 1978, with the implementation of “the Reform and Opening up policy”, the second generation of the CPC leadership, headed by Den Xiaoping, carried out an in-depth study of the experiences acquired since 1949. Measures would be taken to bring arrangements in the area of multi-party cooperation and in the interaction of the CPC with other parties. It will be clarified that "each Party is by nature a political union of the group of socialist workers and socialist patriots and that multi-party cooperation is a unique quality of the Chinese political system”.


In 1989, the 4th plenary session of the 13th Central Committee of the CPC draws lessons from the collapse of the Soviet Union and the former socialist countries of Eastern Europe and the political unrest in China. On December 31, 1989, following consultations with the Democratic Parties and the Independents, the CPC Central Committee promulgated "the opinion of the CPC Central Committee on the maintenance and improvement of the multiparty system". During the 16th National Congress, the Central Committee of the CPC examines the internal situation of the country and the experiences acquired since 1978. It undertakes strong actions for the "regular and solid development of multi-party cooperation" in order to promote socialist political development with Chinese characteristics. In 2005 and 2006, the CPC Central Committee published three documents which edified on "The Opinion of the CPC Central Committee, the strengthening of the multi-party cooperation system and political consultation, the strengthening of the work of the CPC, and the Opinion of the CPC Central Committee on the Consolidation and Strengthening of the United Front in the New Period. In 2007, the State Council Information Office published "a white paper on the political system in China." This document presents a comprehensive review of the past of China's multi-party cooperation system, and further clarifies the role of Democratic Parties in building China and promoting socialist democracy. He notes that it is the "multi-party cooperation system that is the peculiarity and strength of the political system in China."

1989年,中共十三届四中全会吸取了苏联和东欧前社会主义国家解体和中国政治动荡的教训。1989年12月31日,经与各民主党派和无党派人士协商,中共中央颁布了《中共中央关于坚持和完善中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度的意见》。在第十六次全国代表大会期间,中共中央审查了中国的内部情况和1978年以来取得的经验。为推动中国特色社会主义政治发展,中共定期积极开展与各党派的合作。在2005年和2006年,中共中央颁布了《中共中央关于坚持和完善中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度的意见》、《加强党的工作的意见》[9] [10] 和《中共中央关于巩固和壮大新世纪新阶段统一战线的意见》。2007年,国务院新闻办公室发表了《中国的政党制度白皮书》。该文件全面回顾了中国多党合作制度的历史,进一步阐明了民主党派在建设中国和推进社会主义民主中的作用,指出“多党合作制度在中国的政治和社会生活中显示出独特的政治优势和强大的生命力。”

Since the 18th Congress of the Communist Party of China held in 2012, the new leadership with Xi Jinping as Secretary General has led the Party and the multi-ethnic Chinese people to face the challenges, deepening the Reform and Opening up policy, modernizing the state governance system and capacity by bringing forces together to achieve "the Chinese dream for the renewal of the Chinese Nation". Political practice in contemporary Chinese history is sufficient proof that the construction of any political system must be based on the specific conditions of the country. “Copy paste” or blind mimicry of foreign models cannot be successful in China for the simple reason that said models does not respond to the realities of the multi-ethnic Chinese people. China's multi-party cooperation system is the product of the country's history, the combination of Marxism-Leninism with the specific situation in China, and the experiences of the Communist Party of China and allied Parties. This system is in line with the requirements inherent to China's economic, social and cultural development. May the developing countries, especially African countries, find in China a source of inspiration in order to realize the aspirations of the peoples to live a better life for the construction of the Community of Destiny for mankind.


To end my intervention, thanks to the success of China in the fight against the Covid-19, I hope to be physically with you face to face during our next conference.


Thank you for your kind attention.



“习近平思想”(Xi Jinping's thought),建议修改为官方名称“习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想”













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